
5 Common Workflow Automation Processes for an eCommerce Business

The growing market of online stores is influencing business leaders, retailers and merchants to set up a well-organized and full-fledged eCommerce business and sell products and services online. However, running an eCommerce company is not as easy as we think. There are multiple factors that you need to consider while starting off your first online venture.

If you are working hard to maintain an effective business process of your eCommerce site, you should ensure the satisfaction of your potential customers, and also bring the consistency, efficiency, and reliability within your organization. It can be difficult, especially when your goal is your eCommerce site, backend operations, etc.

If you are also suffering from this, then you should automate your business processes. Workflow Automation can help you decrease workload within your eCommerce company and lets you increase the efficiency, revenue, and customer satisfaction.

Instead of managing and monitoring tasks manually, you should focus on integrating Workflow automation services. This will not only save time, money and effort but also keep you away from delays, setbacks, and inadequacies.

So, boost up your eCommerce operations by following these five simple workflow automation processes:

1.    Supplier/Vendor Onboarding Processes

Most of the reputed eCommerce companies have robust processes for instantly and precisely on-boarding new suppliers and vendors into their operations. With the use of spreadsheets and email, one can execute the supplier/vendor on-boarding and approval processes.

But this technique can cost you a lot of time as it can slow down the things and lead you towards the inconsistent data because the spreadsheet works via the emails.

In such situations, you should integrate the workflow automation that can accelerate and streamline supplier/vendor onboarding processes and bring consistency and precision in data as well.

2.    Item Listings Approval

The procedure of listing new items on an eCommerce site usually involves various internal approvals before they get online. So, you must automate this process if you want to fend off inconsistencies and improve the speed of your eCommerce site.

3.    Purchase Order Approvals

Workflow automation is an incredible technology that can help you modify your purchase order approvals with ease. The automated approvals are based on item category, value, vendor credit rating and a lot to offer you efficient and precise purchases.

4.    Refund Claims

Refunds are one of the most disappointing situations for eCommerce companies. When web customers register claims for refunds, it usually ends up as an email in someone’s inbox. There are many new eCommerce sites, execute these processes manually – this not only consumes a lot of time and effort but also affect the brand image of the company as there might be inaccuracies and delays in refunding processes.

Well, you can automate this process just by opting for workflow software that offers “Service Level Agreement” (SLA) tracking functionality.

5.    Web Customer Complaints

Delays in refunding processing can create social media fires and also downturn the reputation of your company on the web. On the other side, non-financial complaints and bad feedback can destroy the remaining brand value over time. Therefore, it is essential to automate the complaints and feedback processes if you want to solve your customer’s problem quickly and efficiently.


Streamline the workflow automation into your eCommerce operations if you want to improve the consistency, functionality, and the revenue of your eCommerce company. With the help of this technology, you can automate your eCommerce processes with ease.

Author Bio:

Andrew associated with Syscon-Inc., a reputed company that provides workflow automation software with 100% guaranteed client satisfaction. Connect with social profile on Linkedin and Twiiter.