
WordPress 4.6 Version: Introduction of new features and updates

Finally, released the latest version for all its users across the world. As expected, WordPress 4.6 introduced some key updates and advanced features to let the site owners, web developers and webmasters reap the benefits out of it. This version is named as “Pepper” after the popular jazz saxophonist Park Frederick “Pepper” Adams. The new release is now available in 52 languages and can be downloaded from the features are not really exciting, there are huge improvements that can give you a rich and smooth user experience while developing or customizing your site. Plus, some impressive updates have been made to let you manage themes and plugins in a faster and easier way.

So, without further ado, we will share the key updates and new features introduced by this latest WordPress version for its all users and site owners.

1. Simplified Update Procedure

It is one of the biggest improvements with the WordPress 4.6. Now the WordPress users can update, install and delete themes and plugins faster and easier way. The users can stay on the same page while updating their installed themes and plugins. This makes it easy for users to run updates in a matter of few minutes.

The best part is that all the actions will be executed via AJAX-this automatically boosts the user experience and saves a lot of time.

2. Use of Native System Fonts

You should download the latest version of WordPress if you want to enjoy native system fonts. The new WordPress dashboard now uses the system font of your operating system that you already have. Instead of using Open Sans font as an alternative option, you can use the most suitable font to enhance the overall look and feel of your site.

This slight change can improve the performance and give rich user-experience to designers, developers and site owners. Since more and more advanced devices are emerging in the market, native fonts have now improvised dramatically. These little changes can help you create a unique brand image across the world.

3. Improvements to Editor

There are two major improvements to the editor that will let take the user experience of your site to the next level. These are:

  • Inline Link Checker
    This feature will automatically check the syntax of your links to determine where they are correct or not. It makes sure that your site doesn’t contain broken links as it can downturn the ranking of your site on search engines.
  • Content Recovery
    WordPress by default saves everything you have written in the browser. This includes the title of the post, content or the excerpt after every 15 seconds. With the introduction of WordPress 4.6, you can save the content even more quickly and easily to the browser. Every time you write a new content in the browser, the feature will start recovering and save it automatically.

Under the Hood Improvements

Apart from these updates, WordPress 4.6 version has a lot of improved features for WordPress developers. These updates could maximize the productivity of developers and give them wider opportunity to explore more about WordPress development. So, here is the list of some robust under the hood enhancements that will make the job of developers easy:

1. Resource Hints

This improvement is made to allow browser to ensure which resources to fetch and preprocess. The newest version of WordPress incorporates them automatically for styles and scripts in order to boost the site’s performance as a whole.

2.  WP_Term_Query and WP_Post_Type

While  WP_Term_Query class embeds flexibility to query information, the new WP_Post_Type object offers robust methods of managing post type supports, rewrite rules, hooks, meta boxes, and taxonomies.

3. JavaScript Library Updates

It includes Masonry 3.3.2, imagesLoaded 3.2.0, MediaElement.js 2.33.0, TinyMCE 4.4.1, and Backbone.js 1.3.3.

4. Meta Registration API

This particular feature has been extended to support types, descriptions, and REST API visibility.

5. Powerful Requests

The HTTP use the Request library to enhance the standard support of HTTP and add case-insensitive headers. There is also an option for Internationalized Domain Names support.


These are the key updates made by the WordPress 4.6 version. All the changes will empower users to create, customize and update their site  easily and quickly. So, upgrade your WordPress site to enjoy key improvements and new features of WordPress 4.6 version.